Potato Frittata Sandwich

Being back home after our last summer holiday of absolutely no cooking recharged me in my desire to take reign again in my familiar little realm. But not until I saw the long queue of ants having their own holiday in our house. It was quite a big party of ants that stretched from one end of the house to the other end, and you know where it leads to of course. To our pantry with some adventurous ones branching out to the left side which is the kitchen. After a long car trip, emptying the car of the luggage and unpacking them, kids declaring that they are hungry and a dog who is finally free from his confined space, I rethought and pushed aside the hopeful plans of a smooth sailing cooking therapy in the kitchen.

But we had to eat anyway, so a basic panino was in order. With a little trip to the bakery for fresh bread, I can put anything I have in the middle. One of the easiest is this fritttata sandwich because I always have potatoes and they usually keep well in storage while we are on holiday. There is usually a pack of sealed prosciutto, cheese and eggs (if we are gone for not more than a week) in the refrigerator. And did I mention ketchup? I know, you're asking WHAT? The kids will not eat most sandwiches without their ketchup brands. We strictly keep two brands at home because each one is quite fanatic with the brand that they like. Don't worry, my husband and I don't eat it with ketchup. 

This frittata sandwich was actually taught to me by my husband who grew up stuffing his potato frittata in the middle of his bread. To make it tastier, I added slices of prosciutto and cheese and well, although my version is heavier, it's much tastier than his. If you want to keep the calories down, get the lean cut and choose a low-fat cheese that you like. It's protein-packed so you are definitely eating good food.

It's quite easy to prepare this Potato Frittata Sandwich and if you want the recipe, get it at Skinny Ms. It's a healthy living site where I create recipes. Check it out!

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