Tuna Pepper Steak with Cucumber Sesame Salad

One of the best tasting tuna I ever had in my life was not in a fancy restaurant with chefs clad in their toques but in a shack of a restaurant in a faraway island in the Philippines called Siargao Island, a place not frequented by tourists at all. The cooks are clad in their simple flip-flops, shorts and tank tops, grilling the freshly caught tuna in their makeshift barbecue grill while you wait in their tired-looking tables. The only available food was the fish that they caught for the day grilled on coals and served in skewers, ice cold bottles of San Miguel beer or Coke and steamed white rice. Simple, straightforward and outstandingly cheap at a little bit more than a Euro for a whole meal that's even fit for two.

That was a lifetime ago when the island was still unreachable by regular tourists. Siargao is an island where a lot of surfers from around the world live for months, sometimes even years, while spending just a fraction for simple living. I heard that the island has now changed dramatically with big resorts and restaurants. How I wish I can still go back there and look for that shack where I had the best grilled tuna in my life. Still, after almost two decades, I can still remember the taste of that fish.

I don't usually buy fresh tuna because I always end up buying sole, sea bream or salmon, favorites of the kids. But when I do, I always think of that tuna in the island that I tried. For its simplicity, I cannot copy the taste that I remember but I do grill my tuna always, in hopes of coming close to it. This one is simply rubbed with salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil. It is quick, easy and very healthy too especially when you pair it with the cucumber sesame salad.

I created this Tuna Pepper Steak with Cucumber Sesame Salad recipe for Skinny Ms. It's a very informative site about healthy living and where you can also find some of my recipe. I hope you enjoy this one and have a wonderful week!

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