Baked Corn on the Cob with Parmesan and Flax Seeds

It's the last weekend before school starts on Monday and I am in the car traveling south with my husband driving and the kids and our dog at the back. This summer had passed in front of me in a blur. I took more trips than usual, mixing work with holidays with my family. There's been a lot of running around, packing and unpacking but at the end of them all, we got to spend more time together. And what made this summer more special is that we finally adopted a puppy from the shelter. The family is complete again after the loss of our dog two years ago.

But let's go to these cobs of corn. I love corn on the cob! Ever since I was young, I liked eating the corn row per row and I would oblige my big brothers to eat theirs like mine. I was bothered that they ate their cobs without order. But that was what only my father would understand because we were the only ones in the family who were eating them by rows and they found us strange. I loved them steamed without putting anything. Sometimes, I put little pieces of butter on the cob and watch them melt.

Today, I'm sharing Baked Corn on the Cob with Parmesan and Flax Seeds through She Knows where you can get the recipe. It's a very simple recipe where you sprinkle a good amount of Parmgiano Reggiano or Parmesan cheese on each cob, some knobs of butter and omega-3 rich flax seeds. Yum! Buon appetito!

More Corn Recipes:

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