Barley, Feta and Asparagus Salad in a Jar

It's a lazy Sunday afternoon at home today and over everything, it's quiet. Both kids are busy with their separate activities in different rooms. With my son's recent change of selection in TV programs from cartoons to National Geographic and History Channel (hurray!), he is, as always, hooked in front of the TV watching a show. This time, it's all about submarines. My daughter is in another room drawing and coloring continuously while watching cartoons. Our dog had long given up making us play with him and he is sleeping peacefully outside under the sun.

Since we are free to do whatever we want on Sundays, I don't have rules in the kitchen. Sometimes, I cook special dishes for lunch, sometimes we go out or we have brunch and early dinner. There are also times when I prepare elaborate appetizer plates that fills us up for dinner too or we order pizzas. The thing is, it always depends on what we feel like doing or what we have planned for the day. There are times when I think that maybe I should be starting a Sunday tradition at home when I prepare special lunches that the kids will grow up looking forward to. In my husband's family, Sunday lunches were more special than the ones they have on regular days whereas in my parents' house, we were more laid-back and free to eat at anytime of the day with whatever food was available. I prefer my husband's version but since I will be behind the scene, alone in the kitchen, and my job is already cooking the recipes I created every single day of the week, I kind of want to think that Sundays can be my days off too like everyone else's.

Everyday can be special too in my house, I guess depending on what I created for that day. From the kids' points of view, I understand that they are overwhelmed with all the new dishes that I prepare and they tend to evade the strange ones and just stick to the ones that they are familiar with. Of course, they are quick to dismiss this salad because the ingredients are far too "healthy" for them. Sigh. And I am always doing my best in feeding them well from the day they took their first solids. But I heard that it's normal. Kids change their preferences in food. I've seen my son's transformation from healthy food to bad to picky and now very commendable because he eats or tries to eat everything I serve him.

Let me conclude this and share with you this very simple, tasty and healthy recipe of Barley, Feta & Asparagus Salad in a Jar. I created this recipe for She Knows, a great site to check out. If you like my recipes, then you might want to take a peek at my other recipes there in the Profile Page. I hope you're having a wonderful Sunday!

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