Strawberry, Lime and Basil Smash Drink

I love strawberries and when they are in season, I get loads of them. I use them everywhere. I love desserts, breakfasts with them, cakes, chopped and mixed with lingonberry syrup or with limoncello, gelato, and yes, drinks. I usually do smoothies. First thing in the morning, I start making the blender make noises in the kitchen to which the kids react to with shouts of "Mommy, please stop"! I admit, those ice cubes I try to break can become too noisy.

With this drink, I smashed the strawberries and mixed them with basil and lime as the base flavor then completely with a good amount of tonic water. When ice cold on a hot day, it is something that you would want to keep on drinking. The basil lends a marvelous flavor to the drink. For me, strawberries go perfectly well with basil because their flavors blend so well together. 

Since I created this recipe for Skinny Ms., a site about healthy living resources and recipes, I checked the health benefits of basil & strawberries. I didn't know that basil are actually quite healthy, containing flavonoids which protect our cells, Vitamin A which is a powerful anti-oxidant, and volatile oils that have anti-inflammatory effects. Strawberries on the other hand are rich sources of Vitamin C, manganese and other essential nutrients. And the best thing is that it's included in the top 50 best antioxidant sources. One sip of this drink doesn't make you super healthy but at least you know that the ingredients in your drink are not only natural and delicious but healthy too. It beats any bottled drink to quench our thirsts!

You can get this Strawberry, Lime and Basil Smash Drink recipe from Skinny Ms. Enjoy and drink up. It's good for you!

More Strawberry Recipes:

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