Grilled Salmon and Asparagus with Grated Egg

Yesterday, I grilled some salmon without anything, not even salt, like how my kids want it. I usually salt my food after cooking and I almost always forget to do it especially with salmon because once I am done cooking, I immediately call everyone to the table while the fish is still hot. But with the arrival of the kids, the chaos arrives too then salt is always forgotten. What I like though is when I do remember it, I usually pass around the salt shaker for them to put salt on their salmon but no one wants it. Even if it is redundant, it always puts a smile to my face when I get refused with the salt shaker. Salt is not good for us. That's what i always tell them.

Lately, I have been changing our diet to more fish, rice and salad and less meat. Since my daughter is so hard to please and she eats fish more than meat, then much better. I prefer fish too and my husband is not a big meat eater anyway. So for now, we are into a lot of fish lately and it makes me genuinely relieved. Although we are limited to a selection of sole, sea bass and salmon because those are the popular choices at home, it doesn't matter. I just double my job as a recipe developer to please my kids to keep them interested in fish. 
The number one salmon recipe for my kids is grilled salmon over a very hot dry griddle without anything, with a dipping sauce of soy sauce and lemon. I accompany it with steamed white rice so it becomes a healthy Asian meal. Sometimes I serve it with tomato or lettuce salad. And that's about it.

This Grilled Salmon and Asparagus with Grated Egg recipe that you will find in Skinny Ms. is quite close to how I usually prepare the salmon with the addition of asparagus and egg and in place of the soy sauce, I used a balsamic vinegar dressing. I love this recipe because in every forkful, you get fish, vegetable and egg at the same time with a light drizzle of balsamic vinegar dressing. When I created it, I was, as always, thinking of how much fun it would be for the kids to discover that the grated egg on top is actually egg, not cheese. There was a little discussion over it but just the same, they enjoyed eating it.

More Salmon Recipes:

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