Quinoa Breakfast Bowl

I really can't deny that I prefer salty breakfasts from sweet ones. Yesterday, as I walked in the splendid breakfast room of Park Hotel Pacchiosi in Parma, I scanned the three long buffet tables of breakfast goodies discretely set against the wall. I quickly walked towards the one I was interested in and checked how my breakfast was going to be. Heavy, for sure but definitely satisfying because I liked how the eggs were cooked, sausages, uuhhh crispy bacon (ssshhh!), wedges of Parmigiano Reggiano, prosciutto crudo di Parma, other kinds of ham and cheese, different kind of bread. I think I will stop there because that morning, my eyes were only for a salty breakfast. Period. Twice over even, until I was completely full.

I rarely get to enjoy salty breakfasts at home because it requires more time in preparing than just grabbing a toast and jam or croissant. Sweet breakfasts are quicker, easier and makes me arrive at lunch time with a growling tummy, ready for more. With ham and eggs, I arrive at lunch time without feeling any hunger pangs yet. Ok, I will be more precise. It's because my family looks at me like I came down from Mars when I start taking out the ham and eggs for breakfast. My kids speak with me like stern professors deliberately emphasizing their words that it is not lunch yet so we cannot eat salty stuff yet. Sigh. And those little beings came from me. They don't even understand their own mother or what exciting breakfasts are like. 

This quinoa breakfast is my 50-50 take on trying-to-be-healthy dish. It's made with quinoa (hurray healthiness!), ham and some vegetables. And the top of this lovely bowl is graced by a beautiful poached egg. Show me a runny egg like that and I will be ready to dig in! Buon appetito!

If you are a salty breakfast lover like me, then don't waste your time in reading this anymore and hop on over to get the Quinoa Breakfast Bowl recipe at She Knows. If you know me by now, I am a recipe developer there and if you want to see my other recipes in their site, do check out my Profile Page

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