Seafood Mix with Fried Barley and Garlic Lime Sauce

When my kids casually stroll to the kitchen while I am preparing dinner, they usually look around for some clues what will be on the table soon. Seafood has a particular aroma so they already know that it will be one of those meals that they cannot complain about. If their father requires them to eat their fruit everyday, I make sure that we all have fresh seafood on the table at least once a week. With my persistence, they each have their own favorites now after a struggle of even making them eat before. My son loves clams, shrimp and salmon while my daughter loves salmon but only with soy sauce and lemon dipping sauce. For now it is like that but I know that when they grow older, they will open more possibilities for more kinds of seafood.

I introduce new kinds of seafood dishes at home but I always try to base them on what the kids are used to eating. It's hard enough to make them try other kinds of seafood so I don't waver away too much from their norms. This seafood mix platter had been well accepted on our table because the seafood are simply rolled on polenta flour and quickly fried until golden and crisp. If you don't like a slight texture on the seafood, just use regular fine flour to coat the seafood.

Instead, I gave the barley an interesting twist by cooking it with the liquid of the clams that I cooked beforehand in the same saucepan. After all the liquid had been absorbed by the barley as it cooked, I toasted it with some extra virgin olive oil. The result? We loved it! The garlic lime sauce is then drizzled right before eating and having a strong clash of sour and salty flavors together, it was a great sauce to pour on the fried seafood.

This seafood platter is definitely a keeper and also a recipe that you can rely on when you are expecting some guests. It is beautiful to serve on a big platter, all arranged by kind. I made this Seafood Mix with Fried Barley and Garlic Lime Sauce for She Knows so you will have to get the full recipe there. Thanks and I hope you will enjoy this dish.

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