Frittata Soup

Leftovers, what do I do with them? I am sure you asked yourself exactly the same question a hundred times. After meals, however great or simple they were, there is always a piece that remains - too small to be considered a part of a meal again but you are just too full to eat more. I tend to almost beg my family to finish everything on the table so that we don't waste any food because my kids are not enthusiastic about having them again in the succeeding meals. Unless I think of a good recipe where I get to revive the leftover and make it into something interesting again.
One of the recipes that I had always been curious about is the Frittata Soup. I had always wanted to try it with leftover frittata but I never got around to it until now. It's a really very simple recipe where you cut up the frittata into strips so that they come out like taglietelle then serve them in plain broth or with the addition of vegetables and even meat, if you have other leftovers. It is really a good, practical and super easy recipe to keep so that you know what to do with the leftover frittata next time. You can also make your own frittata if you want to make this soup without waiting for any leftovers. Try it and you will love its simplicity. 

You can find my recipe of the Frittata Soup at She Knows, where I regularly create recipes. If you would like to check out my other recipes, click on my Profile Page there. Thanks and I hope you enjoyed your weekend!

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