Cabbage Rolls with Soy-Honey Chicken and Rice

When I thought that my family and I were going on a trip to the Philippines last year, I couldn't hold my excitement. Months (or was it even a year?) in advance, I had already mentally mapped out our itinerary of the restaurants to go to, the dishes that I had to have and the perfect island to stay in to get to include the term relax in my vocabulary again. I was almost there but still physically rooted in Italy. But things shifted as the months progressed and we had to postpone the plan for another year. My foodie thoughts however flew ahead of me. As much as I love Italian food, Asian food keeps creeping in my thoughts.

The delay didn't stop me though because disappointed as I was, I didn't make it stop me from dreaming about the food. I took action and made more Asian dishes in my kitchen than usual. Since my kitchen is predominantly Italian, with a window for Asian cuisine, I left that window wider open for more Asian food options to introduce to my kids.

Anything with soy sauce, chicken and rice is a major success with them so the base of this recipe are those three. Wrapping the chicken and rice with cabbage is a way for me to make them eat something green. Savoy cabbage is not really a vegetable that they really love because it is quite thick and tasty. I do find it baffling because kale and broccoli are much tastier and still, those two remain the most requested green leafy vegetables at home. You can replace the savoy cabbage with white cabbage which is thinner and less strong in flavor. Kids will most likely prefer it more.

So if you want to give this Cabbage Rolls with Soy-Honey Chicken and Rice recipe a try, go to She Knows where you can find the full recipe. If you want to check out more of my recipes there, click on my Profile Page. Enjoy your week!

More Soy, Chicken and Rice Combinations:

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