3 Detox Soups to Have on the Days You Want to Feel Light

The other day, I had an insistent craving for something unhealthy. I had been trying to shoo it away but it remained there in my mind and it clearly wouldn't go away until I had no choice but to relent. It's clear that I had the choice because I could have just stayed firm and went for the healthy route. I had the strongest craving for potato chips and chocolates downed with ice cold soda and so I had them for a late afternoon snack that later became dinner because they filled me up and I didn't digest fast enough when dinnertime came. It was short of saying that I didn't feel so great afterwards and I wished that I never had any but hey, we all have our unhealthy but happy moments.

With my craving satisfied, my body complained. I needed something light and reliably healthy to send away the toxins that I had. In cases like this, I eat light and base my intake on vegetable soups made solely of light vegetable broth as the base and mixed with different kinds of vegetables and herbs or spices that are then blended to become creamy enough to drink. Your body won't be able to thank you enough! These soups are great to keep in handy in mono doses in the freezer too if you cook them in big batches. I made these recipes for Skinny Ms., a site dedicated solely to healthy living.

Thai Roasted Sweet Potato Soup

Among the three soup recipes here, I am more inclined to get this cup first. I think it's the color that attracts me. Do you know that the darker the sweet potatoes are, the amount of beta-carotene it has is higher? The aroma alone makes it so inviting to take a sip (which I kept on doing anyway while I was cooking). I couldn't wait to finish the cooking and be able to sit down and finally enjoy it. It is unmistakably Asian for the curry, cumin, ginger and coconut milk working together. Nutritionally, this soup is excellent. The sweet potatoes are rich in nutritional value especially beta-carotene and fiber while ginger is a good aid in digestion and fighting inflammation. If you love Asian (which I do), this soup would definitely fit your palate.

Roasted Cauliflower Soup

Along with the sweet potato soup, this is a good soup recipe to prepare because both vegetables can be roasted together in the oven. Just separate them in the baking pan then put the vegetables in separate saucepans to continue cooking them. Since the cauliflower is roasted, the flavor came out really well. I love roasted vegetables for their added flavors and this one did not disappoint at all. For the nutritional value of the cauliflower, you can get a high amount of antioxidants that can help detoxify the body. It also helps fight cancer, keep your heart healthy and boost your immune system. Sounds like the right kind of soup to ease our bodies from the bad elements.

Lentil and Kale Soup

This soup instead came out as a big surprise because my husband loved (in all caps) it the first time I made it. I still remember his first expression when he tried it. His face actually lighted up. The blending of flavors was excellent, according to him. This is the simplest soup among the three because I cooked everything in one pot. The protagonists are kale, lentils (I used the French puy lentils), bay leaves and coconut milk. Together, they made a great combination of delicious flavors in this simple creamy soup that's rich in protein and antioxidants. 

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