Italian Baked Parmesan Mussels

I remember an experience an American friend of mine was telling me, that when he was asking for some grated Parmigiano Reggiano to sprinkle on his seafood pasta when he was in a restaurant here in Italy, instead of being handed the cheese, he received a short lecture from the elderly waiter about not mixing cheese with seafood. He was shocked and amused at the experience. And true to his word, the elderly waiter did not give him the Parmigiano Reggiano. 

Generally, in Italy, cheese is not really used in seafood dishes but there are also exceptions like this traditional dish from Campania, a southern Italian region. Baked mussels, oysters and scallops in the Philippines are also cooked with cheese and they taste incredible! They are simply mixed with garlic, quick melt cheese and a dot of butter. I cannot stop myself from eating when I have them in front of me. This one instead has a more complex combination of other ingredients like wine, breadcrumbs and Parmigiano Reggiano (or Parmesan)

These mussels are quite explosive in flavors. I love them, just like how I love any baked shellfish with cheese and garlic. So maybe in some dishes, seafood don't match well with cheese but with this one, they blend very well together. 

You can find this Italian Baked Parmesan Mussels recipe at She Knows. Aside from delicious recipes, you can also read a lot of other interesting things in the site. If you liked this recipe, check out my other recipes at my Profile Page at She Knows. Happy Friday to all of you!

More Recipes with Mussels:

Sautéed Mussels and Clams (Sauté di Cozze e Vongole)
Farro Tomato Soup with Pancetta & Mussels
Spaghetti With Mussels in Tomato Sauce

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