Grilled Tofu with Homemade Plum Sauce

I admit, I am not the biggest fan of tofu. I only eat it in very selected dishes when the other flavors in the dish overpower it. Every time I cook tofu, the topic of going vegetarian ensues between me and my husband. He can, I can't. He wants to, I don't want to. I see that it is an idea that he has been toying with lately and I don't have anything against it. I can easily cook for him but the kids and I will have to stick to our omnivore eating habits for now. I believe that vegetarianism is every individual's choice of diet, not something enforced on them (unless it is for medical reasons). Both kids' favorite food is pasta con ragù or meat sauce and my daughter clams up when she is confronted with anything green on her plate so it is unlikely that they are turning vegetarians for now.

Awareness of the food that they eat, simply by knowing what is good and what is bad is already enough for me as a Mom. Like all kids, they love fast food chicken nuggets, potato chips and sodas. I don't ban them from eating them, I just regulate them in their diets. Once, after a gap of 3 days from the last, my son told me that he would like to have nuggets again but he knows that it's bad to keep on having them, I told him that it's fine because what is important is that he understands the concept of what I am teaching him.

I don't expect my kids to eat tofu because I didn't eat them either until when I was already grown up. They do wonder what I am grilling whenever tofu is on the griddle and when I explain that it is bean curd, they run away from the kitchen. There go my future vegetarians. Instead, my husband and I enjoy them so much with the plum sauce that I serve them with. I have always loved plum sauces, with their strong sour, salty and sweet flavors altogether in one tasting. With this recipe, I am sharing with you my quick and easy way of making it so you can also make it at home.

Get the Grilled Tofu with Homemade Plum Sauce recipe from She Knows and if you want to explore my other recipes more, check out my Profile Page there. Enjoy your week!

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