Foodes, Straight from the Chefs' Kitchen to Your Table

If it is Made in Italy, it will get my attention and my support. Because utmost attention and care are always foremost in Italian gastronomy, I raise both my hands and give all my trust to the country that feeds my children with good quality food. There is a vast awareness of nutritional values, hygienic ways of preserving food, maintenance of high quality and keeping the gastronomic traditions. And for that, I know that my kids are in good hands in the kitchen. Foodes epitomizes all these.

Foodes came to my knowledge only a few days ago after I received a dinner invitation to taste their food. What is it? It's a company that has been creating gourmet dishes that are then vacuum sealed for later consumption. The method goes through a hygienic process of preparation then vacuum sealed to take away the air that inhibits the production of aerobic bacteria and to prevent the evaporation of liquids or drying up of the food. The vacuum sealed food can last for 20 days in a refrigerator which is great because the food doesn't receive any preservatives, meaning everything is completely natural and chemical-free. When you are ready to eat, just immerse the food that is still sealed in the vacuum packed bags in boiling water for about 3 minutes, open the bag then it's ready to be served and eaten. That is gourmet food in minutes right in your own kitchen!

The food is prepared in their kitchen laboratory in Villa Maria Luigia in the small town of Collecchio (close to Parma) where they have been studying and perfecting the process for a couple of years. The project initially started in distributing to restaurants which remained a success and now, they are ready to distribute to the public through online ordering. Their counter is running and as of writing, they are starting business in exactly 17 days! Foodes will be operational in Italy only but they have future projects of expansion in the UK and the US.

Having tried the food from the appetizer down to the dessert, I can assure you with my own tasting that the food remained fresh and absolutely delicious after being prepared much beforehand and vacuum sealed prior to our dinner. When they open their business to the public, I wouldn't think twice if I will order or not because I myself tried a 5-course meal and aperitif with different kinds of finger food and I found the whole dinner a very pleasant surprise.

Foodes partners Chef Fabrizio Sangiorgi and Stefano Ferrari
I am not a big buyer of pre-cooked food because 9.5 out of 10, they are always a big disappointment and a big waste of money. BUT, Foodes can be the first one that I can trust in getting the quality of food that I expect for the money I will pay for. An average vacuum packed mono-portion dish costs between €7 to €8 (can be higher or lower). Honestly, it is not that cheap but it is not that expensive too. The perfect moment to look them up would be when you need to have something gourmet-ish on your table and you don't have the time to cook. Hosting dinners at home takes days of preparation from coming up with the full menu, buying the ingredients, cooking for a day or two, encountering the problem of where to store the food and dealing with leftovers. Did I also mention the substantial expense you can incur when buying the ingredients? Foodes can solve all that and when your guests arrive for dinner, you are very fresh instead of almost collapsing from tiredness after spending a whole day cooking in the kitchen.

Above is the list of dishes that will be available soon when the Foodes site goes online. Every dish that you order comes with a suggested wine pairing and the vacuum packed bags will arrive to your house in a protective box. 

Are you ready for Foodes?

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