Breakfast Yogurt Bowl with Homemade Plum Sauce

Yesterday, after a morning of running to bake the food I had to write and photograph, barely making it on time to pick up my daughter in school, photographing the food then running back to the school again to pick up my son, only ending up in the wrong gate to pick him up, I was ready to buckle up and nurse my tired self. There are days like this when things, unbelievably, pile up one after the other. 

At about 10 minutes past 14:00, I walked back to the car with my son's heavy backpack on one shoulder. The kids were behind me, skipping towards the car and chatting excitedly. School was going to be out for exactly 15 days. After spending the past days going up and down for their Christmas recitals, frantic gift buying (we couldn't find our son's gift anywhere!), putting up our tree, fighting off our dog from eating all the decors and the tree itself, we were on time and ready for Christmas.

Now that the kids have no school, we get to spend breakfasts together. Unhurried, long and fun, just like today. At mid-morning, we had our first bite of the day. With a lot of little things to prepare, it took me a long time to have the food on the table but to see my kids eat well in the morning is so satisfying. Freshly-squeezed orange juice, tea, caffè d'orzo (coffee barley), toast with honey, biscuits and cereals. Their healthy choices give me inspiration in making my own healthy breakfast too and giving myself more time in relaxing in the morning. Take this Breakfast Yogurt Bowl with Homemade Plum Sauce. It is healthy, fresh and the Homemade Plum Sauce can be down much ahead and stored in the fridge. Check out both these recipes that I made for Skinny Ms. Have a healthy and good morning everyone!

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