Almond Cream with Berries, Pistachios and Chia Seeds

I think I just gained 50 kilos with all the amazing food I have been eating and drinking (non-stop mind you). Christmas is wonderful with all the incredible food and excellent wines thrown together, all packed in a 2-3 day ultimate gastronomic hype. It's the only time of the year when extra special once-a-year-only dishes make grand appearances on the table. And the diets? Does that word even exist during the holiday season? No one even whispers that word around until after New Year. That's the only time when we start having good looks of ourselves at the mirror and notice the added inches in the waistline. But since we still have the New Year's Eve celebration just around the corner, I will not say the d-word yet.

This is not a dessert or breakfast (this is great in the morning too) that will make explosions in the calorie counter nor in the fat section. It's a kind of dessert that doesn't seem like you are dieting (did I just say that word?) but nutrient-wise, you already are. It is very healthy, gluten-free, dairy-free and even vegan. Did I miss anything else? When I was browsing through my kiddie cookbooks, I chanced upon a dessert like this and I loved the idea because I am an almond milk drinker. Since I go for shortcuts, I didn't make the almond milk from scratch but I used instead the ready-to-drink one that I love. If you already have a favorite brand then you don't need to make the almond milk from scratch. It saves a lot of time. But be mindful of the ingredients please. Take the ones that are not so sweet. The more natural the milk is, then the better it is.

You can actually garnish the almond cream with other kinds of fruits or nuts if you want. I have a big love for berries and pistachios so they were my first options for this delicious dessert. And the chia seeds give a good punch of omega-3 fatty acids which is excellent brain food.

If you are just about ready to take a peek at this Almond Cream with Berries, Pistachios and Chia Seeds recipe, then hop on over to She Knows where you can get learn how to make it. It's quick and easy so you can have this in no time. Check out my other recipes at She Knows too by going to my Profile Page there.

Before I end this, I would like to share a couple of pictures I took in Rome. The first one is St. Peter's Square in Vatican City. I took it after midnight on Christmas Eve after celebrating Christmas with family nearby before heading home. The kids had to see the Pope's Christmas Tree and Presepe (Nativity). It was a beautiful cool night with people still milling around outside the cordoned off square at around 1 AM. It was nice to be just there on Christmas Eve.

I took this last picture a couple of months ago. It is the reliquary holding the wooden relic of the Holy Crib of Jesus when he was born. It is now at the crypt of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore (St. Mary Major). When you happen to visit the basilica in Rome, take a moment to visit it by taking the stairs under the altar. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Enjoy the rest of the holidays!

More Desserts with Almond Milk:

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