Sichelburg: Dining Amidst South Tyrolean Flavors in a 700-Year Old Castle in the Dolomites

For 700 years, Sichelburg has been a bastion of aristocratic legacies, from the Plazoller, Jückl von Toblach, von Mörl and to the Mayrhofen families. Today, a new legacy thrives within its walls: the culinary creativity of Chef Mirko Mair, resonating throughout the castle. In the heart of Falzes lies the Sichelburg, a compact castle resembling a keep, a place where a mastery in the South Tyrolean kitchen intertwines with a rich tapestry of history. For over a decade, Mirko Mair has curated an experience that celebrates tradition, innovation, and the essence of the Dolomite hospitality.

Within the confines of its historic chambers, guests embark on a delicious journey from traditional South Tyrolean specialties to innovative creations, each dish paying homage to the region's culinary heritage, a symphony of flavors that captivates every kind of palate. Mair’s approach to cooking emphasizes freshness, creativity, and staying genuine to flavors. Each dish reflects a dedication to craftsmanship and the unadulterated essence of its ingredients, an ethos that defines the Sichelburg experience.

At Sichelburg, tradition meets modernity. From the wine lounge on the ground floor to the ancient dining rooms above, guests are enveloped in an atmosphere where the past is palpable yet infused with contemporary comforts. Its wood-paneled dining rooms, some dating back to the 14th and 18th centuries, offer an intimate and historic setting for dining surrounded by the picturesque beauty of Falzes. The experience is a testament to the enduring allure of history and gastronomy. 

History of Sichelburg Castle

Sichelburg Castle, deriving its name from the emblem of the Platzzoller family featuring two sickles, has stood as a symbol of Falzes since the 14th and 15th centuries. Since 1968, it has served as the official emblem of the municipality of Falzes. Nestled in the upper village of Falzes, the castle boasts a tower-like structure adorned with numerous small oriels. Believed to have been the primary residence of the Lords of Falzes until 1356, Sichelburg Castle then passed into the possession of the Lords of Mörl from 1524 to 1761. The Mayrhofen family subsequently held sway, leaving their emblem above the castle's round bow entrance. With its distinctive architecture and rich symbolism, the castle stands as a proud emblem of Falzes, preserving the legacy of its noble lineage. In 1999, the municipality of Falzes undertook renovations of the castle, revealing a Gothic fresco frieze and loopholes during the process. The castle's history took a turn when Mair acquired it in 2013 and shaped it into a dining sanctuary. 


Under Mair's stewardship spanning a decade, Sichelburg continues to captivate guests with its enduring charm and exquisite cuisine, each dish narrating a tale of tradition and innovation. To truly grasp the essence of the chef's philosophy, indulge in the Tasting Menu, where the chef curates a selection of plates. Prices range from €54 for three courses (€58 for fish-based menu), €66 for four courses (€72 for fish-based menu), to €81 for five courses (€87 for fish-based menu). 

For à la carte options, appetizers, soups, and pasta range from €15 to €27, while main courses vary from €34 to €37. Traditional South Tyrolean dishes, priced between €16 to €30, such as the Stinco di Maialino (Roasted Braised Suckling Pig Shank) or the Mezzeluna Tirolese di Farina Segale (Tyrolean Crescents of Rye Flour), are also available.

*Main article photo from Sichelburg website.


Address: Via Castello 1A, 39030 Falzes (BZ), Italy
Tel: +39 0474055603
Open daily for lunch and dinner except Wednesdays and Thursdays


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