Regina Viarum: The Heroic Viticulture of Mencia and Godello at the Riberia Sacra Wine Region

In 2001, the Gómez Araujo family embarked on a remarkable journey to revive a winemaking tradition dating back over two thousand years in Galicia. Through unwavering commitment to innovation, Regina Viarum has cultivated a heroic viticulture characterized by precision and elevation with gradients until 60°. Their wines have garnered acclaim both locally and internationally. Regina Viarium, which means the "the queen of the routes", is a tribute to the men and women who, from their great sacrifice in the inclined terrain were able to obtain unique wines that represent their unique territory.

Photo from Regina Viarum website

The region of Ribeira Sacra flourished with vineyards on steep terraced banks along the River Sil, supplying wines to the great city of Rome.
The name Ribeira Sacra came from the term "Rivoyra Sacrata" coined by Queen Teresa of Portugal in 1124. The term, which precedes the current name Ribeira Sacra, is in reference to the abundance of hermitages and monasteries dotting the valleys of the rivers Sil and Miño from the 5th century onwards. It was a land revered for its rugged beauty and winemaking heritage, earning the moniker "the queen of the routes", a homage to the Appia Route, the ancient Roman road that traversed these lands.

Located in Doade, Amandi, Lugo Province, Regina Viarum epitomizes the essence of Ribeira Sacra. Despite its modern construction, the winery's design pays homage to its Roman heritage, seamlessly blending tradition with contemporary winemaking technology. Situated amidst the Armandi hillsides overlooking the River Sil, the winery benefits from optimal orientation, cultivation methods, and microclimate, yielding grapes of unparalleled quality.

The climate of Ribeira Sacra is distinctly Mediterranean, characterized by wide temperature ranges and low rainfall, primarily concentrated during the winter months. This unique climatic condition, coupled with the region's weathered slate shale soils over bedrock, imparts distinctive mineral tones and aromas to the wines, making them a true reflection of the land from which they hail.

Regina Viarum's commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect of their winemaking process, from vineyard management to production and bottling. From cold maceration to post-fermentation maceration and aging in French oak barrels, each step is carefully calibrated to coax out the fullest expression of the terroir and grape varietals. Their portfolio boasts notable wines such as Regina Viarum (Godello and Mencia), Expresion aged in French oak barrels, alongside Via Appia and Via Imperial. From pioneering the introduction of Galician Tempranillo to embracing cutting-edge technology such as the vibratory destemmer, the winery continues to push the boundaries of winemaking, ensuring that each bottle reflects the spirit of innovation and excellence.

Vertigo Restaurant: The Gastronomic Window of Regina Viarum

Bodegas Regina Viarum ventures into gastronomy alongside Chef Lucas Bustos with Vértigo Restaurant, offering a unique food and wine pairing concept inspired by the history of Ribeira Sacra. Specializing in crafting restaurant experiences within bodegas or wineries while aligning his cuisine with the wines, Chef Bustos presents his interpretation of Regina Viarum's vision through a seasonal seven-course gastronomic journey through Galician cuisine. In the past, he has overseen similar ventures in renowned bodegas like Trapiche, Casarena, and Ruca Malen. Argentinian in origin, he has represented Argentina in prestigious culinary events worldwide. In 2014, he was honored with the title of the world's best winery restaurant at the Global Best of Wine Tourism awards. Ivan Gomez, Director of Bodegas Regina Viarum, sees the restaurant as a significant step in their wine tourism project, aiming to establish themselves as a gastronomic winery.

Bodegas Regina Viarum

Address: Doade S/N, 27424, Lugo, Spain
Tel: +34 982 096031


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