Tasting the Umbrian Kitchen of La Trattoria di Oscar in Bevagna, Italy

An enchanting small medieval town in the heart of Umbria needs an equally charming country-style restaurant where you can envelope yourself in a full Umbrian experience. Trattoria di Oscar is located in a quiet courtyard in Bevagna where the ambience is pleasantly homey. A small room with wooden tables and chairs on stone floor as old cooking gadgets and bottles of wine fill up the walls while the outdoor area has some tables surrounded with plants, a perfect place to enjoy the food during the warm months. 

Oscar is the name of Filippo Artioli's father, to whom he dedicated his restaurant to. His father played a fundamental role in his personal and professional life giving him a wealth of knowledge that had been beneficial in the different stages of his life. Before arriving at Bevagna, Filippo originally came from Ferrara, a northern Italian city. With his thirty years of professional experience in the kitchen, he worked alongside notable Italian chefs Igles Corelli and Bruno Barbieri, attained international experience and taught at Gambero Rosso Culinary School in Rome.

Trattoria di Oscar is a destination for excellent food when you are in Bevagna. The beautiful old town is easy to explore on foot for its size and a stop at the restaurant is an integral aspect of completing the Bevagna loop of discovery. Food explains a lot about the tradition, culture and landscape of the area. With this in mind, Filippo uses ingredients that follow the right seasons and products of small farmers that preserve the simplicity and authenticity of the flavors of the place. His creations therefore are always intertwined around the quality raw offerings of Umbria that he finds in the fields and farms. 

The menu is adapted to the availability of the raw materials due the changing of seasons. There are just a few entries per course to ensure that all proposals are done to their perfection. The appetizers are between €14 to €18, but the Baked Organic Egg with Black Truffles from Norcia is at €24. The first courses of pasta and risotto are between €15 to €18 with the exception of Tagliatelle with Black Truffles from Norcia at €25. When in season, shavings of these expensive black truffles are worth on your plates. One of the best plates of the chef is connected to his roots in Ferrara, the Tagliatelle al RagĂą Ferrarese. Accompanying the food is a good wine menu with excellent wines from the region.

La Trattoria di Oscar

Piazza del Cirone, 2
06031 Bevagna (PG), Italy
Tel: +39 0742 361107
Open daily for lunch and dinner except Tuesdays

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