Cabbage Rolls With Meat and Vegetables

Assignments, teachers' notes, school snacks, fevers, medicines, uniforms, missing pens, school supplies, karate classes, chaotic mornings (and nights!), birthday presents & birthday parties. That sums up my life pretty much these days. Two weeks since school started and we are in full gear to combat another school year. Welcome my junior kindergarten daughter and 3rd-grader son. We are moving on up with the educational ladder but we are also moving up with more things to accomplish. Sigh. I complain, I know.

In the birthday parties where my kids are invited, the parents always stick around to take care of the kids. And what better way is there to spend 3 hours waiting around for the kids to finish their acrobatics? We speak. And in those conversations, I learn a lot about practical daily household things. Where do we get the best fish, meat & vegetables in town, the cheapest pens, the best way to remove stains, should we put undershirts in this period or not. The topics are endless and every single one of them is helpful. After the parties, I step out with good and not-so-great things. Really dirty clothes, kids in desperate need of baths and new practical knowledge about running a better house (and family).

When coming home from a party, the adrenaline of the kids are still in full swing and dealing with them plus preparing dinner can be too much to handle. I usually resort to very easy meals to prepare (if I still have the energy) or meals that I prepared in advance like these cabbage rolls. They are perfect for these occasions. I just pop them again in the oven to warm up and voila! Warm dinner's on the table!

You can fill up cabbages rolls with practically anything you want or have actually. Just let your creativity in putting together flavors work out. In these rolls, I decided to go more on the Asian side by flavoring the meat with ginger and soy sauce

For the recipe, please click on this link to get it at She Knows, a site where I also develop recipes aside from my blog. For a complete list of the recipes I have there, click on this link.  

Thanks and have a great day!

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