Breakfast Skillet With Eggs, Vegetables & Parmesan

How does the beginning of my day look like? With the silence of the house, I position myself on the kitchen counter right in front of the TV, watching the news as I eat my breakfast. The kitchen TV only has the local channels so I switch to RAI News where I get more truthful news than biased-truth. After doing this ritual for a long time, I already know all the newscasters of the channel, what they handle, who's missing that morning, who's new and who has the loudest & squeakiest voice (My cue to turn down the volume as fast as I can!).

I like to feed myself with knowledge of the current events while I munch on what can give me energy for the day. Food & news, they nourish me in mind and body. Like the weather, the flow of news is erratic. Some things are good and some you wish never happened. Tragedies are scary and tear my heart to pieces. The good news, well, they keep me in good spirits first thing in the morning. A reason to smile and face the day helps more than what coffee can do. Wake up, it's going to be a beautiful morning!

A breakfast skillet like this makes me hungry (very!) just thinking about it. Sweet Italian breakfasts are good but savory ones need to be appreciated in every forkful that I take. This breakfast skillet is yum! For the recipe, click on this link to take you to She Knows, where I create recipes other than for my blog and to see the list of recipes I have there, click on this link too. Thanks and have a great day!

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