Peaches in Brandy Sauce with Vanilla Mascarpone

There are some desserts that just leave your mouth asking for more, however simple they are. From the name of the dessert, you can already take a virtual nibble and understand how good it is. When I was thinking about this combination, I was already excited to put the ingredients to action. I knew I won't be disappointed.

So many times, I am asked how I come up with new recipes continuously.  I am completely immersed in the subject of food. Most of the time it's the first thing that creeps into my mind as soon as I open my eyes in the morning, the whole day I am occupied about food and even the last thoughts of the day are still about it. I have the need to eat in restaurants to get more inspiration in the combination of newer flavors. Watching cooking programs help and cartoons with my daughter is my form of entertainment to send away the mental stress. It's a strange confined life BUT FUN!

This is a lovely dessert that you can easily prepare with everyday ingredients, hoping mascarpone can be found easily on your side. It's really simple and refreshing to end a meal. Put together the peaches and mascarpone only when you are about to serve. And serve them slightly chilled to enjoy the flavors more. Buon appetito! And Happy Halloween!

Peaches in Brandy Sauce with Vanilla Mascarpone

Serves 2
  • 250 grams mascarpone
  • 3 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • 1 pod vanilla seeds 
  • 2 peaches, peeled & diced
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoons brandy
  • Fresh mint leaves
  1. Mix the mascarpone with the powdered sugar & the vanilla seeds.
  2. In a saucepan, put the granulated sugar & brandy. When the sugar melts, add the peaches.
  3. Toss the peaches in the syrup for about 3 minutes. Let them cool.
  4. Add 2 tablespoons of the sauce to the mascarpone and mix well. Refrigerate for at least an hour.
  5. Serve the mascarpone with the peaches on top then garnish with fresh mint leaves.



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