Quick Fish with Chickpeas, Tomatoes and Sage

We all have recipes that we instantly think of when we have three minutes to think of what to cook for dinner. When I am at the seafood section of the supermarket, I usually get some sole or plaice. The children love them simply covered with breadcrumbs, Mediterranean style or this dish where I cook them with chickpeas and tomatoes. It's an instant hit with my picky-eating kids.

And what's great is that it's such a super healthy dish. Fresh fish, chickpeas (well my daughter counts how many she eats because she has a limit), fresh tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil and fresh sage from the garden. It takes less than half an hour to have a wonderful dish ready on the table. It's a dish I would recommend to everyone who wants to go for a healthy choice in eating. 

You can find this Quick Fish with Chickpeas, Tomatoes and Sage recipe at Skinny Ms. where I regularly create recipes. Skinny Ms. is a site dedicated to healthy living and clean eating. Have a nice day!

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