Baked Potatoes with Clementine Butter

I've got about six hours more of road time before I arrive in South Tyrol with my family, see the spectacular Dolomite mountains and inhale fresh mountain air. I can't wait. I've been ironing mountains and packing like crazy to get ready for this holiday with my family. And like any pause I make from making recipes, I worked double time the past weeks to clear up my schedule. Now I have a clean timetable to enjoy!

It's pleasantly quiet now in the car, with the kids and our new puppy sound asleep at the backseat. Just a while ago, there was our usual sibling chaos of what movie to watch. Since they are sharing only one console with separate monitors, they can only watch one movie at a time. You can imagine what a fight it had been on what movie gets to play first. Our dog joins in the fun too with a little crying complaint because he's cooped inside his transport box. Sigh

Now to the food. My husband introduced me to simply-cooked healthy food and one of them is boiled potatoes seasoned with extra virgin olive oil and salt. It goes with anything and it tastes great, especially if you are using oil with good quality. I also like boiled potatoes with butter melting on it while it's still hot. With this in mind, I made some clementine butter compound and made it melt on some hot potatoes that I baked, wrapped in aluminum foil. After tasting it, I don't think I want to go back to regular butter because the delicate citrus hint was amazing! You will enjoy this with a main course that has a mild flavor like fish or grilled chicken. 

I created this Baked Potatoes with Clementine Butter recipe for Skinny Ms., a site dedicated to healthy living. I hope you'll like it. Enjoy your week! I will be posting pictures of South Tyrol, the Italian Riviera and Tuscany these coming weeks. Follow me in my Facebook, Instagram, Google+ and Twitter.

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