Asian-Style Garlicky Spicy Sautèed Shrimp

I was speaking with someone once about how the simplest recipes can be better than their complex counterparts at times. I like both simple and complex methods of cooking but I usually leave the complex ones to the good chefs who can wow me with their creations. This makes dining out a good reason to try out innovative dishes. But most of the time, I look for simple dishes with minimal ingredients. I like it when I identify the ingredients used in the dishes and that is one reason that prods me to cook at home. I like to keep my cooking simple.

I just came back with my family from a 2-week trip in three different and completely diverse regions in Italy. From the Dolomite mountains to the Ligurian coast (better known as Italian Riviera) then down to Tuscany. I was able to cook during the times we were staying in hotels with kitchenettes but most of the time, we were out trying out the regional dishes in the restaurants. Being a holiday, my cooking was supposed to go on holiday too but I managed to squeeze in some salads, pasta dishes using the local ingredients and very simple dishes like this one.

Being at the sea, Liguria has fresh and very good seafood so when I chanced upon some really good-looking shrimp from the local fish monger in the one of the towns we stayed in, this recipe was one of the first I thought of because it only needs a few basic ingredients. I had soy sauce in my food bag! Along with the garlic, lemon, chili and extra virgin olive oil (didn't have the sesame seeds though), the saucepan went to work. 

Arm yourself with this simple recipe to do in a matter of minutes with just a few basic ingredients to use. If you travel with your cooking supplies like me, don't leave home without that small bottle of soy sauce and you will be in for a delicious treat if you encounter some irresistible shrimp along the way. 

You can find this Asian-Style Garlicky Spicy Sautèed Shrimp recipe at She Knows. It's a site where I develop recipes. It has a lot of information, stories and tips about life, travel, food, parenting and celebrities (I know I forgot some others). See my Profile Page there if you are interested in more recipe I created. I hope you enjoyed your weekend!

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