Risotto with Broccoli Rabe, Ricotta and Toasted Zucchini

There are a few times when my family gets separated for important stuff or sometimes even on vacations. It's quite normal for me to pack bags for each member of the family and line them up at the entrance of our house the night before separating. That also includes pets of whatever kind. Last year, they were pet hamsters going to my husband's colleague's house while my kids went to their grandmother and my husband and I flew to Manila for some important stuff. It was one busy morning of saying goodbyes and running around.

Today, I just finished the first three bags for tomorrow's family separation again. The kids will stay with their grandaunt, our dog stays with the dogsitter while my husband and I will drive to Parma for a dinner event at ALMA La Scuola Internazionale di Cucina Italiana (International School of Italian Cuisine) where three Asian chef graduates from Malaysia, India and China will cook their specialties. I will be there to taste and reconnect with my Asian side. Aside from my longing to taste and smell familiar scents and flavors, I am also excited to be in a serious culinary ambiance. Didn't I ever dream of wearing a chef's hat when I was a kid? I did but I just had too many dreams - a vet (but I had a fear of blood), a pilot (but I was too short) and a detective (but I realized that it was a dangerous job).

Fast forward, I am most comfortable in the four corners of my kitchen doing what I discovered I love doing even if I am not wearing a tall white hat. My dream can be realized in my own little realm, my kitchen. Here is a dish that came from my kitchen using broccoli rabe because my son loves it. I'll jump on anything healthy that my kids start eating. Broccoli rabe is a leafy vegetable rich in Vitamins A, C and K, as well as calcium, potassium and iron. I mixed it with ricotta to make the flavors rounder and toasted zucchini to give it a different an additional vegetable to mix with.The flowers that you see are sage blossoms from my own plants. They are great to use as garnish in any dish or salad giving a mild sage flavor. 

I created this Risotto with Broccoli Rabe, Ricotta and Toasted Zucchini recipe for Skinny Ms., a site dedicated to healthy living where you can find tips, recipes and resources in leading a healthier life. 

More Recipes with Broccoli Rabe:

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