Snow Peas with Pecorino Cheese, Pine Nuts and Honey

I think summer is the period that my hoping-to-be vegetarian husband likes the best because I almost don't cook meat. If ever I do cook, it's seafood because they have less cooking time (less heat generated in the kitchen) or sometimes vegetables that need a little bit of tossing in the pan. In summer, my choice of diet changes too. My body calls for fresher food for easier digestion and just staying light to combat the heat. 

Just today, I had a big plate of salad with the ingredients that came straight from the refrigerator while I plopped down in front of the television after a long morning of working on recipes and catching up on housework. It's a luxury that I almost don't get anymore. The house is still without the kids. My son left for a week-long camping trip with his fellow Boy Scouts while my daughter has been at her grandmother's since yesterday. My only living company is our super silent puppy who still spends most of his time sleeping. I love days like this because I can stay with myself and hear my thoughts. Most of all, it recharges my battery. Good food and quiet time make up a nice break.

Now to the recipe. Let me share with you this salad where I tossed the snow peas in the pan then served them with the rest of the ingredients. It only took a few minutes. The flavors combined pretty well. I created this Snow Peas with Pecorino Cheese, Pine Nuts and Honey recipe for Skinny Ms., a site that provides tips and recipes in healthy living. Hop on there and discover more.

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