Natural Blood Orange Soda

When the cold meets heat, a winter fruit meets the beginning of summer. I can still find some late harvest blood oranges but they are beginning to get scarce. Making this natural blood orange soda gives me great satisfaction when my son drinks it continuously (still working on my daughter to drink it). He and his sister like the commercial bottled orange sodas but I try to control their drinking because of the high sugar content. You know how it goes, sugar + kids can become disastrous. Luckily, with one stroke of the kitchen wand, I came up with a winning alternative to their orange sodas. This all-natural drink  is very good that I also have a problem in stopping myself from finishing everything. I live with freshly-squeezed oranges in the mornings when it's orange season and to have a sparkling one to enjoy in he middle of the day is a big treat. 

We went through a transition of temperature yesterday with a big jump in hotter degrees. It does feel like summer now, maybe a tad too much even. And we have been drinking more liquids than usual. It's a good thing we still have the tail supply of oranges, blood or not, in the markets which gives us a little bit more time in enjoying this orange soda in the hot days.

This is a really simple drink to put together, sort of like a regular naturally-sweet freshly-squeezed orange juice with the frizz and added sweetness. You will love it especially when the drink is cold and it's sweltering summer heat is killing you. Enjoy!

Homemade Blood Orange Soda

Yields 1
  • 1 cup freshly squeezed blood orange juice (taken from 2 oranges, depending on the size & juiciness of the oranges)
  • 1 teaspoon or more sweetener, if needed (stevia, raw cane sugar, honey)
  • 3/4 cup soda water
  • Ice (optional)
  • Fresh mint for garnish
  1. In a tumbler, mix the orange juice, water and sweetener.
  2. Refrigerate to cool.
  3. In the serving glass, put some ice (if using) and mint then pour the orange spritzer.

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