Grilled Asparagus, Green Apple and Zucchini Salad with Mustard Vinaigrette

Weekends are little killers in our diets, aren't they? Lunch and dinner invitations, going out to have walks with the kids that usually end up with a trip to the gelateria (gelato), pizzeria (pizza), or worse, a fast food burger place. My cooking changes on weekends too. I prepare more main dishes than pasta, usually patterned according to the kids' whims. It's the only full quality time we have together so why not make the most of it? Potato chips and Cokes included while watching "must see" cartoon movies together.

Yesterday, we took it easy the whole day and we finally got to jump in the car late in the afternoon to go to the supermarket to buy some "necessities" for our cartoon movie date at home. I needed some necessary ingredients for the dinner we are hosting with some friends but my kids' necessities are different. Cokes and chips. They got the green light from me and my husband so they were free to grab what they wanted. I like to have some days when I am not after what they eat. I believe in eating healthy but I also believe in being free to be a kid and having fun sometimes. 

After deviating from a straight line of eating well, I usually compensate it with a good plate of vegetables. Green apples, asparagus & zucchini that are plainly grilled on the griddle work well together then when drizzled with good homemade mustard vinaigrette, the flavors are sealed. Not only is it very good but it is also super healthy!

You can find the recipe for the Grilled Asparagus, Green Apple & Zucchini Salad with Mustard Vinaigrette in Skinny Ms., where I develop recipes. Check out the site and get more ideas on how to live healthier. Buon Appetito! 

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