Bread and Mango Pudding with Mango Coconut Cream

The reason why I am sharing a lot of Asian recipes lately is that I am way behind in writing my posts here. These recipes are the ones that I created for the sites I develop them for when I was vacationing in the Philippines three months ago. Imagine that, three months have actually passed. If you love Asian food, then stick around some more because there are still some recipes I have in store for you. But to give a variation, I am trying to mix my posts with Italian and other dishes as I move on with my work. If you might have noticed, I was able to write two posts in one day yesterday and that hasn't happened in ages. I am trying to get back to my old routine again and hopefully, I get to be better with time management especially with the kids going back to school next week.

A slice of bread pudding often leaves me with a mixture of happiness and sadness at the same time as I recall memories from my childhood. I can't help it because I remember it fully well as the only dish that I would request my Mom's sisters to make for me whenever we were scheduled to visit them and my grandmother. As a kid, I was not asking for candies or toys, instead, it was bread pudding for me. Stale bread and raisins, yeah, I was a cheap kid. There should be hundreds of recipes out there on how to make the proper bread pudding but for me, the only recipe that I love and keep on repeating is my aunt's recipe. It was the only thing I asked her to give me when I left the country years ago. I did modify it a bit because I changed the kind of milk (she uses evaporated milk) and bread (she uses pandesal, a Filipino yeast-raised bread that is rolled on breadcrumbs) and I lessened the sugar. When ingredients change, the flavors change too.

With my revised recipe in a safe place, I created this one, adding more flavors to my basic raisin-filled pudding. First things first, what is my favorite fruit? Mangoes! So that went with the pudding and also lemon zest which I love putting in almost everything I cook, be it savory or sweet. The flavors were enthusiastic (Can I actually describe food like that?) and more interesting. And when I topped it with the mango coconut cream,  my world stopped because it came out really good. You really can't go wrong with mangoes and coconuts for a tropical blend. 

So here it is, my Bread and Mango Pudding with Mango Coconut Cream recipe on She Knows. If you liked this recipe, you can also check out my other recipes in my Profile Page. Buon appetito!

More Mango Desserts:


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