Garlic Kale Pasta

Imagine my surprise when I went home and saw my two kids and husband having a potato chips party in the sitting room with the TV blaring and the kids walking around the room with chips in their hands. We just changed our TV table and the old one that was supposed to be taken away from the house was in the middle of the room this time covered with glasses of Coca Cola, different kinds of potato chips and paper napkins (at least!). All of them had their mouths full of chips while smiling guiltily at me. Ciao Mamma!

It was amusing alright, with my husband, as the only authority among the 3 was also enjoying himself. Both kids volunteered immediately that it was their idea, not their father's. Uhm, obviously, there was some sort of conspiracy there. But I had to hand it to both my kids for being protective of their Dad. What can I say? We do need moments like this sometimes and chips parties are sometimes conducted in our humble home.

Let's compensate for the lack of nutrition of what my family just ate. Kale or cavolo nero, as we call it here, is one of the super nutritious vegetables that you can eat. It's rich in calcium, beta carotene and Vitamins C & K. It's a big surprise that my son loves it so much so I forgive him for eating the chips. If it's his way of balancing his diet, so be it, as long as he munches on anything resembling kale. 

To tell you about this pasta, we all thought that it was delicious. Too much garlic is my husband's enemy so in this case, he preferred his version to be non-garlicky. The addition of the sun-dried cherry tomatoes and parmigiano reggiano gave a lovely mixture of flavors. Definitely a keeper. 

To get the recipe, you will have to hop on over to She Knows where I also create recipes. Click on this link to take you there. If you want see the list of recipes I have there, click on this other link.  

Thanks and enjoy your Sunday!

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