Cheesy Ham, Egg & Zucchini Breakfast Bread Cups

The house has finally quieted down when it was already past 3 in the morning. Strong winds and rain were pounding hard on our windows. At around midnight, at the first sign of sleepiness, I immediately closed my computer and declared it a night. Midnight is quite early for me to go to sleep but lately, my nights have become longer, much longer than I want them to be, that I barely get any sleep at all. With both kids sick at home the whole week, it had been quite difficult to remain standing with eyes wide open the whole day. So last night, I decided to recuperate on some sleep but the thunders and lightnings arrived and my sleep was completely forgotten.

Thunders and lightnings are like alarm clocks at home. It's a guaranteed way that the whole household will be up and awake because my son is terrified of them. You know the scenario. Child wakes up crying, calls us, you pacify him but it's never enough. What will really make him stop crying is when he moves to your bed. Fortunately, our smaller daughter is not affected by thunders but she was wide awake too because of the noise and was also on the brink of following her big brother's crying. When kids cry, it's sometimes contagious. The other follow suit without even knowing why they're crying. We spent a good hour calming everyone down and we finally succumbed to reassignment of beds. My son and husband ended up switching places. Sigh. I guess most of us had a fear or two when we were young. 

I was terrified of waking up in the middle of the night when I was little. Even if my sister was with me in the room, I would go completely under the covers and gather my courage to run across the hallway to knock on my parents' door to sleep with them.  Maybe at a young age, we still need that maternal protection because that's what we had for the first nine months of our lives. 

Waking up was extra hard this morning but I was able to find my way to the kitchen to prepare the kids' breakfast. Let's speak about breakfast. The prospect of a good breakfast with eggs is much more effective than the noisiest alarm clock. I must confess that I am not the easiest person to wake up in the morning but plant a promise of a good savory breakfast dish and I will be up and ready before you know it. Just like these bread cups.

When I have leftover bread rolls and have eggs, cheese and ham around, this is one of the recipes that I resort to. When there are leftover grilled vegetables especially zucchini, then this is what happens to them. My daughter is extremely picky with green food and this way, I get to hide the vegetables. Whereas for us adults, these bread cups are absolutely great! Ham, cheese, eggs, zucchini and warm toasted bread, did I miss anything else? Every single bite makes us want more! 

I created this recipe for She Knows, a site where I develop recipes. You can see the recipe at this link. You can also see the list of recipes I made for them at this link. Enjoy your Friday!

More Breakfast Recipes:

Eggs Florentine Toast Cups  
Brunch: Rosemary Sausage Skewers, Potato Chorizo Salad and Soft Boiled Egg with Piment d'Espelette & Chives
Breakfast Polenta With Pancetta and Eggs and The Town of Civita Castellana

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