Turkey, Almond and Apple Stir-Fry

As I am writing this, I am also waiting for news about how the Philippines is faring as the monster typhoon Haiyan (or Yolanda as it is locally called) is starting its landfall in the central part of the country. It's the world's strongest typhoon of the year (I heard that it can be the strongest of all times!) with gust winds at 380 kph. God, that's strong! 

I have lived through strong typhoons there and I remember the feeling of bracing for their arrival, the preparations, the shaking of the windows, the ripping of roofs right in front of my own eyes, the falling of huge trees (one fell right in the middle of my car!) and the most odd sensation of not being able to move and the fear of being blown away as I got caught in the middle of big gusts of winds once (Never again!). Typhoons are normal there and I remember them arriving one after the other. In fact, this monster typhoon that is passing through is already the 25th of the year. Yes, there are no cold seasons but half of the year is wet with storms while the other part is always dry and hot. That's what a tropical climate is all about. You will either love it or hate it.

Now to take our thoughts away from the weather for a while, let's speak about this dish. Can you imagine how turkey, almonds, apples & mint taste together? The combination of ingredients reminds of the east meeting the west in a world of flavors. I love using my wok in cooking fast dishes like this one and experimenting with different tones of tastes. The mint makes a difference and I love it. My husband was undecided about it so you can also have a different idea about it. Do you put it or not? Overall, it's one good dish that you shouldn't miss!

It's a recipe that I created for She Knows so if you want to access it, please click on this link.  If you want to see the other recipes (and travel articles) that I have there, click on this link. Thanks and have a great week!

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