Rich Dark Chocolate and Pistachio Gelato

My work requires me to create recipes continuously that can be possibly deemed interesting for different ages, cultures and palates. It's a big challenge to think, produce and please. But you can raise your eyebrows if I say that there is a more important tiny core group that I am always desperate to please. On a daily basis.

Their opinions are very important to me and when they give me thumbs up, then the world smiles with me but when they tell me that they don't like it, my world caves in and I feel completely deflated. I am speaking about my two kids who, for all these years, have been my food critics. Sure, they have simple and limited likes and dislikes but their opinions are the most valuable for me because when I cook at home, I always think if they like it or not.

Plain rich dark chocolate gelato mixed with some Bronte pistachios won me super thumbs up from my two favorite critics. Yes, there was a lot of brown stains everywhere but who cares, they're happy, I'm happy and maybe you'll be happy too! 

I know it's already cold and winter has already settled in but I can't wait until summer to share this wonderful recipe with you. Surprise your family with some gelato this weekend (if you haven't taken away your ice cream maker yet) or bookmark this recipe to make when the first warm days come up. 

You can find my recipe at She Knows where I you can find me often, aside from my blog. Click on this link to get you there. If you would like to see what I have been up to the past year there, click on this other link

Thanks and enjoy!

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