Mint & Chocolate Ice Cream Roulade

Mint ice cream is green, not white! My son's favorite ice cream flavor is mint, the bright green mint. No, make that neon green mint. Looking forward to his scoops of mint & chocolate artisan ice cream in Eataly, he was so disappointed when my husband handed him a cup of white & brown ice cream. He hates white food. Imagine the panic. He immediately pointed out the color discrepancy and he wouldn't accept that mint can be white! We explained to him that the natural ice cream without color additives are white because the mint oil used for making the mint ice cream is transparent, not green. Natural or not, he really prefers the color that glows in the dark. Sigh.

When I get commercial mint ice cream from the supermarket, it's usually bright green, just like how my son imagines it to be but since I couldn't find the green mint this time, I got the natural mint - white. Whatever the color of the ice cream is, mint and chocolate is always a perfect match for me. I'm a big lover of this combination. However, to make the roulade's colors stand out, I think the very green mint would make it look better. What do you think? 

Composing this ice cream roulade is pretty simple. I made my own sponge cake but to make it even easier, you can just buy a rectangular pre-made one. For the recipe, please click on this link to take you to She Knows, a site where I create recipes. To see my other recipes and some travel articles there, click on this link. Thanks and have a great day!

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