5 Simple & Healthy Tomato Salads

Lycopene. Do you know what it is? It's a carotenoid, from the family of pigments that gives fruits and vegetables the bright hues of orange, red & yellow. It's also an antioxidant that helps lower the risk of strokes, prostate cancer and other kinds of cancer. And where do we get this incredible lycopene? From our very own fridge. They come from the tomatoes

Tomatoes are botanically considered as fruit but in the culinary world, they are treated as vegetables because of their low sugar content. And here are 5 salad combinations that are really good! One, for every day of the week when you are too tired to put something elaborate for dinner. Very healthy and easy recipes to follow in a snap! 

You can see the recipes of all 5 salads at She Knows. It's a site where you can see me often with new recipes to share. If you want to see my profile page there for the other food & travel articles, click on this link.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy these salads!

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