Camembert Panè With Plum Cognac Sauce

The small ballet shoes are ready and poised on the table to be worn by our little princess today. I prepared them yesterday, sewing the garters on the sides of the soft leather to fit her feet. Along with her shoes, I took out the rest of the ballet ensemble for today's class. All delicately soft and pink. My little girl is a little ballerina. So much enthusiasm is going on in her!

I wish my own mother can see her granddaughter now. I remember how much she wanted me to take ballet classes when I was young but I was not the dancer type so I continuously refused. Maybe it was her dream to see one of her daughters (My sister didn't take classes too.) to do some ballet. I never tried to find out because I always evaded any topic related to ballet. In the end, I compromised with piano and tennis lessons. Looking at my daughter in her trial class the other day, sticking out with her ordinary clothes, I saw the determination and excitement in her usual shy expression. She went out bursting with happiness! Yes, we have a ballerina in the house. My mother just had to wait for one more generation.

I have always thought that ballet originated in France but instead, it originated as an elegant form of entertainment in the Italian royal courts during the Renaissance period. Catherine de' Medici, an Italian noblewoman, who became Queen consort of France, brought these dances to the French courts after which became widespread in France.

Last summer, in France, the idea of making Camembert Panè came up when my friend and I were discussing about French cooking. She told me how her husband loves the Camembert fried, with a crust of breadcrumbs while the hot cheese oozes out when the crust is cracked. She usually serves it with some tomato sauce on the side. It's something quite common in France and the sauce differs from kitchen to kitchen. 

I prepared it as soon as went back home but I decided on something sweet because I love the combination of cheese (usually aged though) and fruit compotes. Being the peak of the plum season, I made some plum sauce highlighted with some cognac. It was a spectacular combination! If there are still sweet plums around in your area, try this one the next time you feel like having something different but easy. 

Buon appetito!

Camembert Panè With Plum Cognac Sauce

Serves 2 - 3
  • 6 plums, diced
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cognac
  • 1 whole camembert
  • breadcrumbs
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • Extra virgin olive oil (or olive oil)
  1. On medium fire, in a small saucepan, cook the plums with the sugar.
  2. When it thickens, add the cognac then put up the fire to high until the alcohol evaporates. Set aside.
  3. Slice the whole camembert to 8 pieces, like a pie.
  4. Dip each slice of camembert in the whisked egg then the breadcrumbs. Do this twice to coat the camembert very well so that the cheese won't come out while cooking.
  5. Fry all sides until of the camembert golden brown on medium heat. Be careful in turning to keep the cheese from leaking. Use a fork & spoon to turn.
  6. Serve immediately while they're still hot. Serve with the sauce.

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