Veal Rolls With Aubergine, Prosciutto & Dried Figs

Putting new ingredients together to come up with a dish is not an arduous task rather the source of pleasance in cooking. It's trial and error. Sometimes you come up with a mediocre plate, sometimes it's surprisingly delectable.  I usually stay on the classic and add a new ingredient or two, to be safe.  I still need to work on my adventurous side.  The main reason that impedes me from having complete freedom in trying out the unusual is that the food has to be on the dining table with an expectant family.  I don't want to shock the kids with a lunch of fish mixed with chocolates.  I can't be that extreme. When at work on a meal, you can usually find me staring at the contents of the refrigerator & the pantry trying to figure out how I can manage to make them blend together.  I don't like anything go to waste. The computer stays with me in the kitchen. When in doubt, I need to ascertain that I am putting my ideas in proper perspective.  

The ingredients in these veal rolls integrated well. Aubergine & tomatoes have been long time companions along with the veal.   The combination of prosciutto and figs is one of my favorites. When it's fig season, I stock up on prosciutto crudo while we empty the tree at the end of our house. 

Running out of veal with two remaining slices of grilled aubergines, I made a couple of rolls with prosciutto & dried figs to try.  It was good.  So if you run out of meat and still have the ingredients at hand, don't fret. Roll them without the veal. They come out equally delicious too.  

Veal Rolls With Aubergine, Prosciutto & Dried Figs

Makes 4 rolls
  • 4 slices of veal fillet
  • 4 slices of prosciutto crudo
  • 1/2 aubergine that yields 4 vertical slices
  • 150 grams tomato puree
  • oregano
  • salt & pepper
  • 2 dried figs, diced
  • 1 shallot, finely chopped
  1. Grill the aubergine slices in a griddle.  Brown both sides.  Set aside.
  2. Lay out the veal fillet.  Put an aubergine slice on top, then a slice of prosciutto & some dried fig.  Roll.  Secure with a toothpick.   Brown all sides of the roll in a griddle.
  3. In a saucepan, sautè the shallot.  Add the tomato puree, & oregano.  Season with salt & pepper.  Cook for 15 minutes.  Add the browned veal rolls & cook for another 15 minutes.  Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil before serving.

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