MyCityCuisine - A Wiki Project

I was recently contacted by Mycitycuisine to help look for contributors for their project.  It speaks about the traditional foods from different cities and countries all over the globe.  It's a fundamental source of gastronomical information that every traveler needs. 

My connotation of traveling is exploring the sights & local kitchen of my destination.  Getting information about the sights is fast & easy but acquiring basic knowledge about what culinary treats a place has to offer entails too much time searching for food suggestions at myriad sites, wondering if they are even reliable.  Mycitycuisine solves all these with one click.

So if you have something to contribute about a local gastronomy, wherever that might be, join in and make this project grow.  Find out how and share your knowledge.

"MyCityCuisine is a wiki project. Its goal is to help travelers discover the local food from around the world. Food has always been an integral part of the local culture so, naturally, tasting local food is often high on most traveler's to-do lists. However, until now, there was no single comprehensive source providing this particular information for cities around the world.
"What should I order?", an inevitable question faced by all travelers sitting in a restaurant, in a foreign country. MyCityCuisine is a project to create a free, reliable and up-to-date guide to the most original and tasty local foods from different countries of the world. This is an open project, so we encourage everyone to contribute to it."

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