Mezze Maniche Giganti With Spinach, Raisins, Almonds & Sundried Tomatoes

When I mix too many ingredients together, it can mean that I am running out of creative juices.  My main objective in this recipe is to deplete the new big bag of spinach that has sprouted in my refrigerator.  My husband has been taking home colossal packages of greens lately.  And with those packages, he bequeaths to me the problem of cooking them all up within a couple of days.  It's not easy when you have two kids who have an aversion to eating leftovers.  Even if they loved the food I served in one meal, they will instantly give a duad of whines & complaints when they see a repeat.

With the spinach, I was able to extract the other ingredients in my cupboard & refrigerator.   This pasta has a southern Italian flavour that is explosive in contrasting tastes. 


Mezze Maniche Giganti With Spinach, Raisins, Almonds & Sundried Tomatoes

Serves 4
  • 400 g. mezze maniche giganti pasta or any short pasta
  • 300 g. spinach
  • 1 cup raisins, soaked in water, drained & patted dry
  • 6 sun-dried tomatoes, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, halved
  • 3 - 4 fillets salted anchovies
  • 1/2 cup almonds, shaved
  • 6 tablespoons breadcrumbs
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt & pepper
  • 1 chili

  1. Boil water for the pasta.  Cook pasta according to packet's instructions. 
  2. Sautè the garlic & chili in a non-stick saucepan with extra virgin olive oil.   When they change color, add the anchovies.  When the anchovies start to melt, add the spinach.  Cook for about 20 minutes.  Discard the garlic & chili.  Transfer to a food processor to chop.  Set aside. 

    3.   Using a kitchen paper towel, wipe off remaining oil from the saucepan you used for cooking the spinach.  Toast the breadcrumbs, shaved almonds, sun-dried tomatoes & raisins for about 5 minutes.  Transfer to a bowl & set aside.
        4.   Still in the same saucepan with low flame, put the chopped spinach.  Add the cooked pasta and mix well.  Add the breadcrumb mixture.  Mix well.  Turn off fire.  Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil before serving.

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