Pasta With Carrots

Fifteen months and growing.  That's my second child.   Not only is she growing physically, also her appetite is seriously augmenting.  With this in mind, I always give extra attention to what I cook for everyone at home because she now eats what we eat.  Food should be healthy, that's why I try to avoid frying.  If something needs to be submerged in hot oil, I look for the alternatives.  I take out my griddle or I pop it in the oven.  That way, we don't need to worry about cholesterol.   Downside is, sometimes some food are just meant to be fried because they are delicious that way.

With the kids' menus, it's always better to keep it simple.  It's the unwritten rule of Italian cooking.  Less is best.  You put 10 ingredients altogether in a pasta dish or pizza and they start moving away from their plates.  The number one ingredient that can independently strike up a point with anyone is fresh extra virgin olive oil.  Plain white pizza with oil, bread with oil & pasta with oil (with parmesan too!).  These are the three basics that fortunately, my two kids would pass up any dish for.  

Here is another simple pasta sauce that's perfect for babies & adults.  We adults eat this too so it's not just baby food.  It was one of my husband's childhood favorites that found its way to the next generation.  Both our kids love it too!

Pasta With Carrots

1 serving
  • 1 carrot
  • 1/2 teaspoon flour
  • salt
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tabespoon parmesan cheese, grated
  • 30 - 40 grams short pasta
  1. Boil a pot of water for the pasta.  Follow the instructions in the package.  
  2. Put the carrot in the food processor to chop finely. 
  3. Saute' carrots in a pan with extra virgin olive oil.  Cook between 10 - 15 minutes.  Keep on moving the carrots so to avoid burning.  If you see that the carrots are drying out, add some water from the pot of water you are boiling for the pasta.  Mix in the flour & a little salt.  Cook until the sauce becomes creamy. 
  4. Mix the cooked pasta with the carrots.  Turn off fire.  
  5. Sprinkle with parmesan & drizzle with a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil before serving.

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