Miso Ramen (with Homemade Ramen Noodles)

No, I did not disappear from the face of the earth even if I feel like it after not writing for almost two weeks in my blog. At the moment, I am in Sofia, Bulgaria, waiting for my flight back to Rome. I had been away the past days in Wine Press Tours in Turkey and Bulgaria plus a Wine Convention to get to know the indigenous wines of both countries. That will be a series of posts that I will be writing as soon as I sort out and organize the notes that I had been jotting down everywhere. If you want to take a peek at how these two countries are, just visit my Facebook page where you can see all the photos I had been posting. Maybe you will even find Bulgaria and Turkey as new travel destinations. But for now, let me get back to my old routine and share with you this Asian recipe that you can make from scratch even from the ramen noodles (if you feel like it).

Ramen is perhaps one of the most popular quick comforting meals that we can whip up in 3 minutes flat, thanks to the variety of instant packs that are available in the supermarkets. The thing is, there are good ones but a lot has MSG which we really don't want to have in our food. So making your own can be an option too. Miso soup is very easy to make so you can use it as a base to this noodle soup while you top it with whatever kind of ingredients that you have on hand. You can also prepare them in advance like the ramen egg (don't worry, it's just boiled egg marinated in soy sauce, mirin, sugar and ginger). 

For the ramen noodles, you can either buy the packs of quick ramen noodles or make them yourself just like what I do sometimes. You just need 3 ingredients to make them plus big muscles because the dough is lightly (ok, I am lying - medium) hard. The difference is worlds apart. The quality that you get is worth every single effort you did, I promise you. The recipe for the homemade ramen noodles with step-by-step pictures is at She Knows. Just click on the link. 

For the full recipe of the Miso Ramen, go to She Knows too, a site where I create recipes. I hope you get to try it and enjoy homecooked ramen noodles at home. Be back soon! 

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