Fruit Salsa

Fruits. In one bowl, there are different kinds of them with diverse textures, flavors and colors. It's the kind of beauty of food that makes me dig in. Please don't stop me. The fruits are so fresh that the whole mixture promises to be something delicious and simple and most importantly, healthy! As much as I am omnivorous, a bowl like this will always put anything at the backseat. I still have the good sense to eat fresh and nutritious food. I can just eat this whole bowl for lunch without the main course. And I actually just did.

This savory Fruit Salsa is great with seafood or meat. They pair well, really well. And when you accompany it with a cold glass of white wine, then you are in perfect company. In summer, eating light is advisable and eating this fruit salsa with grilled fish is just what the doctors are thinking of telling us to have. Eat light, eat fresh things and most especially eat healthy and you will be happy with yourself.

You can also be flexible with the kinds of fruits to put in this fruit salsa. Use what's in season if you can. Mangoes and pineapples are usually available all-year round in Italy because they are imported from other countries, which I really can't do anything about. Strawberries and the other fruits I mixed in here are seasonal (from spring). I am a big supporter of kilometer zero products. They are typically vegetables, fruits and other products harvested from a radius of zero kilometer from where they are being sold. The objective is to retain their freshness and less cost in transportation. Support your local farmers by buying from them and you will also taste the difference of the taste of a fresh produce that has just been harvested and another one that has been harvested days in advance. The freshness will get you.

If you want to be guided in making this Fruit Salsa recipe, you can get it at Skinny Ms., a site where I create recipes that is totally dedicated to healthy living. Enjoy!

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