Yogurt With Raspberry Preserve, Berries & Elderflower Syrup

How many times these past days have I held my breath whenever my draw the curtains and see a spectacular sunny alpine view? When you stare at it, it seems like nothing matters except your connection with the simplicity of nature. And you say to yourself, Hey! This is what life is all about! I often dream about living in a little town at the Dolomites and envy the people who live there. Ok, that happens every single summer that my husband and I are here. Our kids love the mountains, the food is great and the air is so pure. It's a struggle to pack ourselves in the car and turn back to the city.  Does it happen to you too?

Every morning, I have been waking up looking forward to breakfast (aside from sliding that curtain open!). I love salty breakfasts of hams & cheese and bread. I took a break from the sweet croissants for a while.  Then guess what? I learned to like yogurt too. Now, everyone knows, I think even the cows too, that I don't like dairy food tasting so milky. Maybe it's the good quality of yogurt in this part, I don't know what suddenly clicked. I tried it and I liked it. Period.

Here is the yogurt breakfast that I learned to like. Yogurt mixed with elderflower syrup and raspberry preserve then topped with fresh frutti di bosco (berries). Since this is the area of elderflowers and berries, I took advantage of what good things they have.  All in one glass to start the day right. 

I will be coming up with the Alto Adige post soon! Enjoy your Sunday!  

Yogurt With Raspberry Preserve, Berries & Elderflower Syrup

Serves 2
  • 2 tablespoons raspberry preserve
  • 250 g. white yogurt
  • Fresh berries of your choice
  • Flax seeds
  • 2 tablespoons (or more) elderflower syrup
  1. Spoon one tablespoon of raspberry preserve in a glass.
  2. Pour the yogurt on top of it.
  3. Top with the berries & flax seeds.
  4. Drizzle with the elderflower syrup.

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