Pancetta, Brie & Gorgonzola Cheese Straws

Cheese straws are new to me until I tried making them for the first time last January with the more subdued flavor combination of Parmigiano Reggiano, sesame seeds & fleur de sel. It was a big hit! The kids kept on referring to them as grissini (bread sticks) but they are different because grissini are done with bread dough while these cheese straws are made with puff pastry. It doesn't matter.  I let them call them with whatever they want as long as they eat. And they do eat and eat until the table, chairs & floor are covered with flakes and crumbs. Sigh. That's when my vacuum cleaner becomes my best friend. 

For the comeback of the cheese straws, I made a new flavor combination of pancetta, Brie & Gorgonzola. More intense, the straws are fatter and as you bite, the surprise is inside. Delicious! 

My recipe of these cheese straws is at, where I also develop recipes. You will have to click on this link to go there. If you want to see the list of recipes I developed for them, please click on this link too.
Cheese Straws with Parmigiano Reggiano, Sesame Seeds & Fleur de Sel - See more at:

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