Periferia Iodata: An Association of Chefs of Fiumicino Focalizing on the Excellence of the Territory

Fiumicino is a fishing town along the Tyrrhenian Coast 30 kilometers towards west from Rome. Perhaps it is best identified with the Leonardo da Vinci International Airport of Rome. It’s the main airway hub of Italy so it gets a large movement of travelers who enter and leave the country. But it is also known among Romans as a destination fishing town on sunny weekends because its proximity to the center of Rome validates it as the best day trip to enjoy a sunny seaside break from the urban backdrop. It has the capacity to welcome throngs of seafood lovers because the town is full of restaurants but the main question that always arises is where is it best to eat?

The town may be full of restaurants, but there's only a handful that can fully guarantee the quality of the raw materials that they use. This is the point on which Periferia Iodata was conceived. Periferia Iodata, literally translated to iodized outskirts, is a project of four multi-awarded chefs from the town of Fiumicino who have been on the constant drive in promoting the territory and its products. Founded by Gianfranco Pascucci of Pascucci al Porticciolo (1 Michelin star), Lele Usai of Il Tino (1 Michelin star) and Bistrot 4112, Marco Claroni of Osteria dell'Orologio, and Benny Gili of La Baia di Fregene, the association has grown into a bigger number of participating chefs. Fiumicino has around 800 food-related activities but these 13 restaurants have tightened their supply chain only to the excellence of what the territory can provide.

After the founding members, the group broadened its arms to other nine chefs of Fiumicino and Fregene namely: Alessandro Capponi of Host; Alessandro Pietrini of Ristorante La Marina; Franco Di Lelio of Pizzeria Sancho; Arcangelo Patrizi of Pasticceria Patrizi; Marco Fiorucci of Gina at Porto Romano; Luca Pezzetta of Pizzeria Clementina; Andrea Salce of Il Riviera; Fabio Di Vilio of La Scialuppa Da Salvatore; and Maria Cristina Sebastiani of Rosario.

On the occasion of the initiative "Agri-food: New Models and Prospects for Growth and the Development of the Territory" promoted by Arsial and the Municipality of Fiumicino with the Department at the Productive Activities, Periferia Iodata was formally presented on 12 December 2021 at the Castello San Giorgio in Maccarese on a dinner prepared by all 13 chefs of the association and a commendable dining service directed by Vanessa Melis of Pascucci al Porticciolo and Gerarda Fine of Osteria dell’Orologio.

“It is a great pleasure to announce that finally some catering activities of the Municipality of Fiumicino have given life to a new aggregation project," wrote Gianfranco Pascucci, president of Periferia Iodata. "Periferia Iodata was born with the primary intention of wanting to tell and promote a territory, to enhance the products of our land, our sea and our artisans. A project with an inclusive trait that intends to welcome all those who work with standards of high quality, regardless of the type of activity of the individual. We want to add that we are also supported by Ambasciatori del Gusto and Fare Rete, which together number almost 100,000 exhibitors throughout Italy."

"The intent is to collaborate with those who want to protect and promote the food and wine heritage and the local food culture in all its forms," adds Lele Usai, vice president of the association, "enhancing the typical products, processing techniques, traditional dishes and the peculiar recipes that characterize the territory of the Lazio coast and the municipality of Fiumicino in particular. To do this we aim to organize events, participate in national fairs and international companies in the sector and promote any other activity useful for pursuing the set objectives. Enhance, pass on to new generations and promote the territorial gastronomic culture will be our priority. With the councilor for Productive Activities Erica Antonelli we are working on a series of recipes of typical local dishes to be included in the De.Co., the brand of denomination of municipal origin for the protection and enhancement of agrifood products, precisely to reinforce their value, typicality and quality at the same time."

"Particular attention will be paid to education, training and professional training," continues Benny Gili, councilor of Periferia Iodata, "as well as to cultural activities of interest for social and educational purposes and cooperation with institutions and local or national authorities, trade and business associations. Even the solidarity is at the center of our interests: we intend to promote and collaborate in public and private events to achieve these objectives."

"And then to create a network of professionals and operators in the sector, with proven ability and competence with which to develop communication and tourism promotion strategies with agreed joint initiatives, collaborating with public and private entities, organizations, movements, associations or local and international institutes," adds Marco Claroni.

And yet, in collaboration with the local authority and other administrations, environmental protection is another fundamental issue that the association is addressing. There's the concern about the improvement of the quality of life within and beyond the borders of the territory. Matters like solving the problem of waste being transported by the Tiber River and finding alternatives to the use of polystyrene boxes for the transport of fish, are the points at issue taken out by the association. Whereas on the other margin of the restaurant, there is a proposition for the enhancement of the formation in the dining service.

Periferia Iodata



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