National Fettuccine Alfredo Day 2019 at Alfredo alla Scrofa

With just three ingredients, freshly-made fettuccine, butter and Parmigiano Reggiano, and with swift movements of amalgamating them, the first Fettuccine Alfredo was made in 1914. Six years later, in 1920, newly-married Hollywood stars Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford dining at Ristorante Alfredo alla Scrofa were served the Fettuccine Alfredo. The combination of soft ribbonlike pasta made with fresh eggs, good quality butter and Parmigiano Reggiano resulted yet in another perfect pasta dish that the actors raved about until they went back to the the U.S.

It's the 105th year from the time Alfredo Di Lelio created the Fettuccine Alfredo for his wife in 1914 at his restaurant in Via della Scrofa in Rome, Italy. After the previous years' successes of the National Fettuccine Alfredo Day, this year's celebration was dedicated to to a much different theme from the past years.

On February 7, a charity dinner entitled Un Gesto d'Amore (A Gesture of Love) was hosted by co-proprietors Mario Mozzetti and Veronica Salvatori in collaboration with Every Child is My Child Onlus, a non-profit association created by actress Anna Foglietta in 2017 involving actors, singers, musicians, artists and private citizens. Through the hashtag #everychildismychild, the association realizes events and charity initiatives to finance projects and to support children forced to live in situations of great difficulty including the Plaster School in Reyhanli which now hosts 55 children.

"Every Child is a thought that arises from the need, strong, to put at the service of children who suffer our little or big notoriety. Collecting funds to be allocated from time to time to projects that deal with the protection of minors is at the top of our list of thoughts but also raise people's awareness to create a society where the message of doing good becomes a common hymn and, from that start again to discover the humanity that is within each of us. Today we deal with Syrian children but there are many, too many shady areas where childhood is not protected and where children fight daily against the monsters of war, hunger, malnutrition and educational poverty. Every Child is My Child Onlus will always be at the center of those who really suffer," says Anna Foglietta, President of Every Child is My Child Onlus.

"The Fettuccine Alfredo is born of a gesture of love and, therefore, we thought that contributing to a good cause through a charity dinner was the perfect extension of an act of love," recounts Mario Mozzetti and Veronica Salvatori, co-proprietors of Ristorante Alfredo alla Scrofa.

The charity dinner, with a €100 donation from every guest: actors, chefs, influencers and friends, was able to rake in €7,000 from the dinner proceeds and another €5,000 donation from the main sponsor, Parmigiano Reggiano. The full amount of €12,000 was donated to Every Child is My Child Onlus.

Present during the evening were actors involved in Every Child Is My Child Onlus like Max Bruno, Andrea Bosca, Martina Colombari, Paola Cortellesi, Edoardo Leo and Vittoria Puccini. Also present were chefs and influencers from the food world such as Max Mariola, Alessandro Circiello and Francesca Romana Barberini.

Ristorante Alfredo alla Scrofa

Via della Scrofa 104

00186 Rome (RM), Italy

Tel: +39 06 68806163


Open daily for lunch and dinner

Every Child is My Child Onlus

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