Skillet Potatoes, Chorizo and Garlic Croutons

I can have this all the time. Browned potato wedges that are crispy outside and tender inside, toasted garlic croutons, eggs and sautèed chorizo giving off its spectacular paprika flavor to the whole skillet. Dang! I wish I can have it again. And again. Saying that I love chorizo is an understatement because I am crazy about it. When I went to Spain a couple of weeks ago, guess what I had in my luggage? I brought home enough chorizo to supply me well for a long time.

This is a perfect weekend brunch or breakfast for dinner meal. Because the potato wedges need some time to cook, you will need to dedicate about half an hour in attaining the crispy exterior and tenderness inside. If you want to cut the cooking time, you can just dice the potatoes so that they cook faster. Other than that, everything else is easy and fast. Plus, you use only one skillet for everything. Saving on washing more pans than needed is a great thing isn't it? 

For the full recipe of this Skillet Potatoes, Chorizo and Garlic Croutons, get it at She Knows, a site where I create recipes. To see more of my recipes there, go to my Profile Page. Thanks and enjoy your week!

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