3 Easy and Inexpensive Egg Roll-Ups

There are so many things we can do with eggs, whether they are sweet or savory. I can't imagine life in the kitchen without having them handy when I am cooking. They have to be always there, just like how I need tomatoes, lemons, extra virgin olive oil and Parmigiano Reggiano to be present in their designated spots. Don't get me wrong. I don't use eggs everyday but they are just one of those ingredients that are quite important to have. 

Frittata or omelet can be mixed and cooked with so many different ingredients that the possibilities can be endless. That's one of the reasons why I like them because I can easily put together a frittata with what available ingredients I have in the kitchen. This time, fancy is the word of the day. I thought of giving my frittata a makeover and serve them for appetizer. The fillings are what you can easily find in your kitchen (well maybe with the exception of smoked salmon which I buy only when I need). The combinations are undeniably good and almost classic. No big surprises there that make you wonder how in the world they taste like. I made these frittata or egg roll-ups for She Knows so you will find the recipes there. Click on the titles of each of the egg roll-ups to take you the recipes.

Ham and Cheese

See what I mean? More often than not, you can find a pack or two of prosciutto crudo and cheese in my refrigerator. They are reserved for those times when I can't whip up a meal for my family or the off-time hunger pangs that attack us. The easiest food to put together is and will always be a ham and cheese sandwich. And this time, I used them to fill up the frittata or egg roll-ups.

Smoked Salmon, Cream Cheese and Chives

For me, the equivalent of ham and cheese in the fish department is this combination. It works deliciously well 100% of the time. Whether it's on a Swedish flat bread (which is my favorite), pizza or regular bread, I will never say no to this one.

Harissa and Grilled Peppers

While I was browsing the shelves for a bottle of soy sauce at the international section of the supermarket, I saw bottles of harissa. It's not easy to find non-Italian food in the regular supermarkets so I was surprised to see them there. With the growing international community in the country, it's about time that we see different kinds of food. I'm new to using harissa but after just a week, I already finished my whole bottle (and it's not even small!) and I'm itching to get my next bottle. I have been using it a lot of different dishes with excellent results and also a pasta dish that my friends loved when I served it on a recent lunch party at home. I love harissa and I am happy to have finally used it in my recipes.

More Frittata Recipes:

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