Fully Loaded Bacon Easter Breakfast Basket

Another year has passed and I find myself unprepared again for the Easter holiday. I did remember to buy small Easter chocolate eggs for the kids about a month ago after my daughter prodded me to buy some for herself and her brother. Looking at packs of chocolate eggs jolted me back to reality. Can Easter be just around the corner? Now, we are just five days away and I have yet to rush to the chocolate shop and get them their proper big chocolate Easter eggs with gifts inside. It's like a mini-Christmas for them, excitedly guessing what can be inside their eggs.

This year, we decided to spend the long weekend out to another region of Italy called Marche which is across Rome, across the country, to the other coast along the Adriatic Sea. It's actually one of my favorite regions that I had the chance to go around to, town by town, a few years ago. I vowed to return and spend another holiday there but never got to until now. It's less traveled by tourists, the characteristic old small towns are special in their own way, the panorama is incredible and well, the food is diverse, between mountain and sea. This time though, we are staying at a town close to the sea and spending Easter lunch in a trabucco, a wooden construction on stilts jutting out on the sea typical of the coastal area in that part.

If you are looking for something to prepare for Easter with a delicious crunch, then I have something for you. It's fun (not for the ones on a diet though but you don't need to finish all the bacon though!), delicious, has straightforward ingredients, colorful and perfect for the occasion. This Easter basket is perfect for brunch if you are having guests around that time. 

In Italy, Easter Monday is also a holiday. It's the time when everyone packs up and head for picnics (weather permitting) or just have brunch with friends and families at home. Usually, we go for option number two since the weather these past years had been so erratic and still on the chilly side. Easter Monday brunches vary in every region but mainly there are eggs, prosciutto, cheese, red wine, vegetables, savory cheese pies or breads and Easter cake and chocolates for dessert. 

If you want to check out the recipe of this bacon Easter basket, click on this link, where it will take you to She Knows, a site where you can find me creating recipes. Click on this other link if you want to see the rest of the recipes and travel articles I have there. Enjoy your week!

More Easter recipes:

Easter Cheese Bread on Pasqua & Pasquetta in Italy
Easter Chocolate Egg, Ice Cream and Berry Dessert 
Eggs With Green Fava Beans, Peas & Parsley Sauce

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